Greetings! Today is Day 24 of the Smeared & Smudged 31 Days of Halloween. Since it’s Thursday, I have a new project to go along with this month’s challenge over at the Dream it up! Blog for Dreamweaver Stencils. This month’s challenge is Magical and Mysterious, and I am the lucky gal the gets to be their Guest Designer for the month! I am thankful that there are 5 Thursdays this month!
You may recall that on the 3rd of the month, I shared a project with bats in a window. Well today, I have the reverse version. You’ll see what I mean…
Here they are! Sorry they look a little crooked. Which do you like better? I think the original is a bit more dramatic, but I like them both. Please be sure to visit the rest of the Wicked Bloggers, listed in my side bar. And of course, there’s also the Dream it up! team, listed below. Thanks for stopping by. Have a fang-tastic day!
Terrific work, nicely done – I like the metallic look!
hugs serafeena
Each one has its own appeal.
I love how you are not afraid to try new things.
Ooh, I like both versions! Very cool.:)
They're both just fabulous, alison! the dark is a bit more dramatic, but I love how the bats stand out in he second one. Great work. xxD
Both versions are fantastic. The left side is a bit more dramatic, but I like the lightness of the right side. I love how you are not afraid to try new things.
So clever, Alison. I love that you showed both ways to create with the stencils. I love the streaks from sanding look like it's raining outside as well.Thanks so much, Alison!
These are both scrumptiously created Alison! I like how the navy blue one is obviously metal…makes it more like walking down a creepy alleyway and finding a door open into a victorian/gothic mansion. The recent one sparkles more, but is eerie at the same time. Hmmm…can't decide…they're both great!
Both are wonderful!!
WOW! Those are really stunning, I liked being able to compare them side by side! Nicely done!
What a great project. Thanks for sharing stenciling tips. I like the look of both pieces!
wow these are really cool…love the designs and textures.
Amazing!!! Love the metallic look! Your color combo is wonderful! Great projects!
Very cool Alison! I really like the look of the lighter one because the bats really jump out at you, but the other has such a great eerie feel to it, and they look wonderful next to each other. I guess I'm saying I love them both!
Very cool, I like them both!
Love them both Alison! Love the embossing paste – might have to put that on my shopping list! mo x
THIS IS AWESOME… love all the texture… I just picked up some paste, now I have to use it!!!! Great detail on your card. I am inspired!!!
Love that you did the reverse. Wonderful side by side pic. Awesome techniques and love what your creative mind came up w/. Bats seem to look a bit bigger on this one.