My daughter is a very lucky girl. She is fortunate to not only have her grandmother living right next door, but her great-grandmother living just 1 mile away. It's not too often that you can have 4 generations in one photo! We ladies were all together at my store the other day, and I had enough ... Read More about 4 Generations
A Riceball in a Sailor Suit
This is a layout that I just finished yesterday. In these photos, Nix is dressed in a Sailor Suit with a Sailor's jacket on. Here's why it was important for me to complete - yes, this is gonna be weird - before he was born, we nicknamed him "Riceball." Gene and I weren't fond of "Peanut" or any of ... Read More about A Riceball in a Sailor Suit
Mother’s Day 2009
I am a Mom. It's still weird for me to say that even though I've been a Mom for over 2 years now. I guess I still feel like a kid myself sometimes. But, I am so proud to have the title. My babies are awesome. Phoenix is the cutest, funniest little kid and he never ceases to amaze me. Have I ... Read More about Mother’s Day 2009
Poetic License
So last week on TTIC, the question was asked if reading Twilight has gotten you into reading (again). I added my 2 cents to the inquiry and then resumed reading Betrayed from the House of Night Series by PC Cast and Kristen Cast. More about these books another time... Anywho, I was reading a bit ... Read More about Poetic License
TTIC #30: Best Friends
This week's Twilight Tuesday Inspiration Challenge is about the relationship between Bella and Jacob, and how they're best friends. I am very fortunate to have 2 Best Friends, other than my sisters and husband. My Best Friends are Lisa and Terry. Sorry Lisa, but this time I'm gonna talk about Terry. ... Read More about TTIC #30: Best Friends