I was very apprehensive to send Phoenix to school this year. I wasn’t really sure if it was necessary….I didn’t want him to be afraid….he’s honestly already really smart… But my husband and I thought it would be good so that he could develop his social skills, where he is lacking a bit. We hoped that his teacher would be kind, gentle and inspirational. Well, Phoenix wound up with a teacher is that is all that and SO much more…
It is traditional that the teachers receive photo albums or scrapbooks from their class each year. Well, this year…we kinda went all out. This is one of the pages I had the privilidge of making.
We just adore this woman, Mrs. Hellige, so very much. She is the perfect teacher in every way. I couldn’t have asked for anyone better.
I thought this was such a fabulous picture! Phoenix is just so happy and comfortable with her. I hope they have forged a relationship that will last a very long time…(I think they did!).
I used Patina and Walnut Gold Glimmer Mist all over the paper along with 2 Glimmer Screens. If you click on any of the photos, you can see them bigger. See the glimmer on the blig splotch of Patina? So pretty when the light hits it!
The kids all had to say something they loved about their class, or Mrs Hellige. This is what the page says:
Q: What’s your favorite thing about Mrs. Hellige?
A: I love loving her! That’s what I love best!
Hmmm….sound an awful lot like what he said about me on Mother’s Day! I guess she really is a very special woman! 😉
I had him sign his name on the bottom of the quote for an extra special touch. Some rhinestones, swirls and a big flower later…the page was done. And yes…Mrs Hellige loved it.
Thanks for stopping by! Tomorrow is the big Bombshell Stamps Hump Day Hop! So please be sure to come back. Have an inspiring day!
Alison is all she say's she is and so much more, love u Al <3
The picture is great. The page is beautiful. It makes it so much easier to send them to school when they enjoy it!