I made this layout using my fantastic Pirate’s Life set from Bombshell Stamps. The photos are from 2005 and were taken on my most favorite Halloween EVER! And that is saying a lot for a Halloween freak like me! I used 4 images from my Bombshell set. Can you spot them all???
Of course, there’s the fabulous Bombshell herself… done up with my colored pencils.
Then, her fabulous companion…this crazy cool parrot. He’s also brought to life with colored pencils.
Then there’s that cute little map on the envelope I made. But where is the 4th stamp???Hint…go back to the first picture!See them???The little skull and crossbones on the closure of the envelope? That’s the 4th stamp! A lot of times I find that people don’t utilize the wonderful tiny images that come with many of the sets. So I wanted to make sure that I put a couple of them in this page!So, why was this my favorite Halloween, you ask??? Here’s the story (which happens to be what I wrote about on those tiny pages in the envelope).There’s a gate that goes from my backyard to my Mom’s backyard (yes, we live next door to each other, and yes, I think it’s fabulous!). But of course, no one knows it’s there since it’s in the back. So, picture this…I am standing in my living room, sword in hand, waiting for unsusupecting little Trick or Treaters to come up my walk. Of course, being who I am, I don’t wait for the bell to ring. I get to the door before they do, throw it wide open, and in my best pirate voice (which is pretty good, actually), I say “ARRGH!!!! Happy Halloween!” Of course, they jump. Because really, aren’t they supposed to be scaring me??? Not in my world! Ok. So I give ‘em their candy, they’re on their merry little way to my Mom’s. Before they are out of my walkway, I am charging through my house, running into my backyard, through the gate, into my Mom’s yard, through her house and to her front door. Whew! I’m tired just typing all that! Then, these SAME kids that were just at MY house are coming up her walk way. I throw open my mom’s door and say (again, in my fabulous Pirate speak), “ARRRGH!!!! So we meet again children!!!” Well…let me just say that not only did all of the kids scream, but the parents did as well! In fact, I think the kids were more confused than their little ones! The kids chalked it up to the spookiness of October 31st…but the parents and their oh-so-scientific brains could not figure out how I got there first. It was FABULOUS!!! Quite exhausting, but fabulous! I kept it up all night. My family was hysterical laughing at me the whole time. I wish we had it on video…there’s always this year, I guess…..!!!
To wrap up the deets on the layout, I used a couple of doilies and Black Gold Glimmer Mist to create the background. Plus I drew in some swirls using my Crafter’s Workshop stencil. The title was made using the Sunset font from Sizzix. And my envelope was cut out using my Coluzzle. Yup…old school tools!!!I hope you liked my little story…and my layout! Have an inspiring day!!!
LOL! Great story! Love the layout. Can I say Hawt?!
Too fun! Great work hun! Hugs, Eri
totally awesome layout,kool photos…hugz Anita
Oh my gosh I can see why that is your fave Halloween.
Love the stamp of course and the layout!!
Great layout and use of my absolute favorite set! I think I may just have to dress up this year – Halloween is so fun!
LOL that is awesome! OH MY GOD I have a semi similar story… when I was young… okay very very young cause I am not that old now (35 is the new 25 right) like 17 I used to hang out with my cousins, and friends at Sunset Strip in Hollywood… I had a "boyfriend" in a band. Well ok I had a "boyfriend" in like four different bands! But one was my so called serious boyfriend… well one night he told me he was sick and just didn 't want to hit the clubs and blah blah blah… well ok so I went out with the other boyfriend… now again serious boyfriend at the time means he calls me everyday, but I don't necessarily see him every day… anyway so he ends up wanting to see me so goes to look for me at the clubs… when I saw him I was like oh poop! What can I do… luckily the guy I was with called me by my middle name… so I told this boyfriend that had just caught me "Huh? Who are you, what the heck? Oh… you are looking for Betty… I am her twin sister!" That fool bought it for two years! My cousins still think it's hilarious how I got away with that!!! So see I too had a doopleganger! Hee hee!
Ooops Doppleganger, not doo-pleganger!