Happy Tuesday! It’s time for another Twilight Tuesday Inspiration Challenge. I am SO in love with this challenge… if I have time, I may have to make some other cards to go along with it. So what’s it about this week? It’s Rebecca’s turn and here is what she wrote:Hey Twerds and Twihards! Its me {Rebecca} bringing you this week’s challenge!In New Moon, we really get to know more about the “pack” and some of the Quileute traditions. In Quileute legend, the Raven is the trickster figure in Quileute Indian culture. His name is pronounced similar to bah-yuck in Quileute. (I found that tidbit somewhere on the internet!)Raven is a shapechanger, who could assume any form – human or animal. The Raven is a clever and generally benign figure who sometimes helps humankind, but he also has many character traits that are viewed negatively in Quileute culture (greed, laziness, arrogance, deceitfulness, and rudeness) and many traditional legends have to do with Raven misbehaving and getting into trouble because of it. The tricks sometimes backfire, but in the manner of great fables – they offered life lessons for the young and old.Your challenge: make a project that celebrates the Raven or any other Quileute legend (google it if you need some ideas!)Comment section: Tell me your favorite fable or about the “trickster” in your life!I LOVE ravens. I love crows too. Love them. I love that they’re a little creepy. I love that they caw instead of having a pretty song like most birds. I love the superstitions attached to them. My favorite movie is The Crow!!! No. It really is! C’mon! You shouldn’t be surprised about that!!! Back when we did the Northwest Challenge, I actually used the Raven as my inspiration. Click HERE for my first attempt (which I really wasn’t fond of) and HERE for my second (which I did like a lot). But on to this week’s project! No, I didn’t give it a Native American feel (although if I have time to do another, that one will), I made it more goth. Creepy. More, well, me! The tree (Inkadinkado) and moon (The Metropolitan Museum of Art) are embossed in platinum. The crows (Inkadinkado) are stamped in black and popped dotted. I of course inked the edges of the card in Black Soot (Ranger).
These are some of my favorite stamps (do I say that a lot?). There are just fantastic! The detail is amazing.
As far as a trickster in my life? I would say that would have been my Dad, although I never saw that side of him. My mom has told me many a story about the trouble he would cause. Like… throwing a cinderblock over a bridge on to a boat. Yeah. He was like 14 at the time I think. He often played pranks on his friends. My mom said he was so sneaky. And, lucky for him, he was friends with a lot of cops…. so he never got into any trouble! My favorite fable is about Kokopelli, the flute player (which I am too!). I, for many years, stamped a Kokopelli on the backs of all my cards. I don’t use him much anymore simply because I like to add my name… but I think I’ll eventually get a custom stamp made with my name and my Kokopelli on it!Now head on over to the other DT’s blogs to see what they’ve come up with!Dani ~ Eve ~ Jen ~ Julie ~ Margie ~ Rebecca*Donna will be sitting out this week’s challenge!
Such a beautiful take on this challenge Ali!! Gorgeous embossing and the red and black are perfect!! And I think everyone knows you LOVE The Crow!! ;D Hugs sweetie!
I love your stories! Beautiful card – those stamps are awesome!! Great job!
This is amazing! I love the embossing you did! Everything is perfect on this card. I love that you have that Goth part about you. It makes you unique and special and breaks the rules of what we typically think of about a stamper/scrapper! It's cool! And if you want to hear that annoying caw, come on down to Texas where we have to scare these birds off because there are so d@#$ many of them!!!
I agree with everything Tonya said! Your card is perfect and I love your embossing. Very elegant goth (is there such a thing?).
Please come down to Texas anytime you want and collect some of the crows/ grackles that we have. Some are as large as chickens!! They scare my huge black labs!!
Beautiful card! I love that white tree!
I love this card! It is SOOO you! The tree and moon in platinum…perfect! I love the raven on the dark gray paper. It makes it even more mysterious looking. Amazing job!
Your card is beautiful. It's so you and it doesn't surprise me that your favorite movie is The Crow. I love that movie too. It's one of my favorites. I didn't really like the second one. What about you?
The Crow! Now there is a fantastic movie I haven't thought about in a really long time. I really liked that movie. The detail on your tree is amazing and the embossing… holy moly. Very lovely job Ali!
Oh Ali… I fell off my chair!!! OME!! WOW!! I LOVE this …hehehe..can you tell?!!! AMAZING embossing and beautiful work Sweetie…You totally rocked this…Definitely one of my favs for this challenge!! REALLY LOVE this card!! Xx
OME!!! WHere do I start? Its PERFECT! I love the tree, the raven, the colors! Rock on twilighter!